We understand that for most people, surgery on their pets sounds extremely scary. We want to make sure that surgery is as low stress, pain free, and as safe as possible for your pet. The staff here at Avian and Exotic Animal Hospital of Georgia are highly trained and skilled at performing safe, effective surgical procedures for the specific needs of exotic pets. Most of our patients here are very small, which adds additional challenges that we rise to meet with specialized surgical instruments like:
Specialized heating pads to keep them warm during surgery Special monitoring equipment, just like a human hospital uses to measure their heart rate, oxygen levels, blood pressure, temperature, and breathing.
The gas we use for anesthesia is very safe for exotic pets, as it allows them to go to sleep quicker, wake up faster, and allows us to adjust the level of anesthesia they need quickly during surgery.
Along with the more complicated surgeries we perform, we also routinely perform spays and neuters on all species we treat.